CMB EB-5 Visa

CMB에 관하여

CMB 리저널센터를 선택해야 하는 이유?

저희 CMB는 25년 이상의 경험을 보유하고 있으며, EB-5 업계 내 가장 오랜 역사를 자랑하고 있는 리저널센터 중 하나입니다. CMB의 창립주 겸 CEO인 Mr. Patrick F. Hogan 회장은 1994년부터 업계에 몸담고 있으며, 지난 1997년 CMB의 첫 리저널센터를 설립하였습니다.


Family with kids waving american flags

At CMB we focus solely as a regional center operator and a fiduciary to our investors. Over 6,000 investors from over 100 countries have subscribed to CMB EB-5 partnerships to pursue permanent residence in the United States.

현재 CMB는 80건 이상의 EB-5 파트너쉽 모집을 통하여 미화 33억불 이상의 투자금을 조달하여 왔으며, 또한 해당 EB-5 자금은 130억불 이상의 민관 자금와 연계되었습니다. EB-5 투자자 모집을 통하여 미국 내 20개주 100여건 이상 프로젝트의 건설 개발에 자금을 조달하여 왔습니다. 이러한 투자를 통하여 20만명 이상의 미국인 신규 고용이 창출됩니다.

성공 실적

CMB는 첫번째 EB-5 파트너쉽인 Group A 부터 100% 프로젝트 승인율을 기록 중에 있습니다. CMB EB-5 투자자는 5,000건 이상의 I-526 청원 승인, 1,800건 이상의 I-829 청원 승인을 기록 중에 있으며, 동시에 10억불 이상의 투자금 상환을 진행 중에 있습니다.

투자 투명성

2014년 CMB는 일반기업회계기준 (GAAP)에 근거하여 모든 EB-5 파트너쉽의 재무 상태 및 청원 승인 기록 통계치에 대한 제3자 자체 감사를 실시한 첫번째 리저널센터입니다. 저희는 업계 전체의 투명성 제고를 위한 일반적 기준을 정립하기 위하여, 매년 자체 외부 감사를 진행 중에 있으며, 이러한 저희의 노력은 지속되고 있습니다.

업계 내 선구자

우리는 경제 모델에서 파생된 일자리 창출에만 의존한 최초의 지역 센터였으며, 일반적으로 대출 모델이라고 하는 것을 도입한 최초의 기업이었습니다. 수년에 걸쳐 EB-5 산업은 계속 진화해 왔으며, 우리가 개척한 많은 구조와 방법론이 산업 전반에 널리 사용되었습니다.

CMB 역사

Pat and Noreen Hogan speek at CMB 20th aniversary event in 2017CMB의 첫 리저널센터인 CMB Export는 EB-5 프로그램이 도입된지 얼마 지나지 않은 지난 1997년 연방 인가를 취득하였습니다. CMB 창립자 Mr. Patrick Hogan 회장은 군기지 통폐합 (BRAC)에 따라 캘리포니아 주에 위치하고 있던 폐쇄된 과거 군기지에 자금이 절실히 필요하다는 부분을 인식하였습니다.

캘리포니아 주에 위치한 몇몇 대규모 군기지가 이전 혹은 폐쇄됨에 따라 수천명 이상의 실직자가 발생하였습니다. Mr. Hogan 회장은 당시 이들 지역 재건을 위하여 EB-5 투자금 활용안을 모색하였습니다. 이들 과거 군기지들은 지역 경제를 재건하기 위한 과정에서 석면 제거, 오염된 지하수, 노후화된 도로 등을 포함한 많은 어려움에 직면해 있었습니다. CMB의 사명은 ‘California Military Base’의 약자로 과거 이들 지역에서 인프라 재건 사업 진행한 것으로부터 기원되고 있습니다.

CMB Export의 첫 10건의 EB-5 파트너쉽은 샌버나디노 지역에 위치한 노턴 공군기지 및 세크라멘토 지역 인근에 위치한 맥라렌 공군기지의 인프라 재건 사업에 집중되었습니다. CMB는 민간 투자금으로는 활용이 어려운 도로 및 교량 재건, 지붕 태양광 설치, 공공 교통망 시스템 구축 및 오염된 시설 제거 등 사업에 EB-5 자금을 조달할 수 있었습니다.

과거 맥라렌 공군기지는 오늘날 오피스, 창고, 리테일, 공장 시설 등을 포함하고 있는 캘리포니아 주 최대 규모의 마스터플랜 커뮤니티인 맥라렌 파크 로 재탄생 하였습니다.

과거 노턴 공군기지는 현재 San Bernardino International Airport. 또한, 이곳은 남부 캘리포니아 지역의 주요 물류 유통 기지 역할을 맡고 있으며, FedEx, UPS, Pepsi 그리고 Stater Bros. 등 입주 기업이 시설을 운영 중에 있습니다.

이러한 EB-5 성공 스토리는 미국 내 투자 유치가 쉽지 않은 부분에 자금을 조달함으로써, 신규 고용을 창출한 EB-5 프로그램의 긍정적 영향력을 보여주고 있습니다.

현재 CMB는 미 전역에서 EB-5 투자 프로젝트를 진행하며, 다수의 리저널센터를 운영 중에 있습니다. 저희는 주거 시설, 물류 시설 및 신재생에너지 개발 사업 등에 있어서, 과거 캘리포니아의 폐쇄된 군기지 재건 사업 진행시 활용한 인프라에 집중하는 보수적 방식을 적용하고 있습니다.

현재까지 6,000이상의 투자 세대가 CMB에 대한 신뢰를 바탕으로 미국 이민라는 긴 여정을 저희와 함께 하고 있습니다. CMB는 전세계 100여개국 이상의 투자자와 함께하고 있으며, 매년 전세계 곳곳의 고객들과의 만남을 이어오고 있습니다.

업계 선두주자로서 CMB는 미국 영주권 취득을 희망하는 투자자에게 소개 가능한 가장 높은 수준의 EB-5 프로젝트를 발굴하고 있습니다.

CMB 투자 구조

CMB meeting with investors

CMB의 접근법은 명료합니다. 전통적으로 CMB EB-5 파트너쉽은 개발사로 하여금 이자금 납입이 요구되는 6년만기 대출금을 제공합니다. 프로젝트에 따라, 대출 약정은 정부 기관, 민관 파트너쉽 혹은 민간 개발사와 체결될 수 있습니다. CMB EB-5 자금은 개별 프로젝트의 건설 개발에 조달될 목적으로 민관 자본과 함께 활용될 수 있습니다. 이러한 사업 초기 단계 시드 자금의 이점은, 다른 자금이 투입되기전 건설 활동 등을 착수 가능하게 합니다. 프로젝트 특성에 따라 완공을 위하여 투입되어야 하는 자금 및 자재의 시점은 상이합니다. 어떤 프로젝트는 일회성으로 진행되는 단기 사업일 수 있는 반면, 또한 어떤 프로젝트는 여러 단계에 걸쳐 진행되는 장기 사업일 수 있습니다. 건설 개발 사업에 초기 투입 가능한 대체 자금의 확보는 경제적인 개발의 결과물로 거대한 신규 미국인 고용 창출을 가능케 할 수 있습니다.

구성원 소개

Patrick Hogan

Patrick Hogan

Chief Executive Officer

Patrick F. Hogan is the CEO and Founder of CMB Regional Centers. Mr. Hogan’s considerable experience dating back to 1994 establishes him as one of the most experienced practitioners in the EB-5 industry. In fact, Mr. Hogan has been involved in EB-5 since the creation of the Regional Center Program. Mr. Hogan founded CMB Regional Centers with the creation of CMB Export, LLC in 1997.

Mr. Hogan, a lifelong entrepreneur, opened his first of many businesses in 1978. Currently, Mr. Hogan is the CEO of two companies that are the leaders in their industries: CMB Regional Centers and Rock Island Auction Company. Today, Rock Island Auction Company is the #1 antique and collectable firearms auction house in the world and CMB Regional Centers is the most successful EB-5 Regional Centers in existence. Mr. Hogan is considered a seasoned expert in the EB-5 industry. He sits on the Board of Directors for the Association to Invest In the USA (IIUSA) and has been an active participant in furthering industry best practices as well as program reauthorization and reform.

Noreen Hogan

Noreen Hogan


Noreen Hogan is the President of CMB Regional Centers and manages the day-to-day operations of the company as well as implementing strategic initiatives for CMB. Ms. Hogan is recognized as a leading expert in the industry, speaking about EB-5 at events throughout the world. Ms. Hogan has held previous positions as the Vice President of Company Operations, Project Manager, and an economist. During 2015, Ms. Hogan, worked for CMB Swiss Co GmbH, as a Deputy Director of Worldwide Operations, establishing the company’s operations in Schaffhausen, Switzerland. Prior to her employment with CMB, Ms. Hogan worked as a project manager for Discover Financial Services, a U.S. Fortune 500 company. Ms. Hogan holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a B.A. in Economics from Augsburg College.
Pam Ellis

Pam Ellis

Senior Vice President

Pam Ellis serves as the Senior Vice President of CMB Regional Centers. She joined the organization in 2009 and previously served as the Vice President of Company Operations from 2013 to 2015. Ms. Ellis manages the day-to-day company operations as well as directing multiple department during the comprehensive development of all CMB file submissions to the USCIS on a yearly basis. Ms. Ellis has over thirty years of management and customer service experience that has built the foundation for her to manage this industry leading staff. Ms. Ellis served as the Vice President of Visitor Services for the Quad Cities Convention & Visitors Bureau for twenty years. Today, Ms. Ellis supervises the various services CMB Regional Centers provides to over 6,500 clients, as well as supervising over 50 full-time employees.

Ky Boyle

Ky Boyle

Senior Vice President: Asia

Ky Boyle is the Vice President of the Asia Market for CMB and is responsible for coordinating CMB’s network of relationships throughout Asia. Mr. Boyle has been involved in the EB-5 industry since 2010 and is a frequent panelist and speaker at EB-5 industry events. Mr. Boyle has over thirty years of business leadership and management experience and has been active in economic development throughout the past three decades. As a member of the State of Iowa’s trade delegation, Mr. Boyle participated in economic trade missions in Asia. Mr. Boyle spent twelve years with MidAmerican Energy Company (a Berkshire Hathaway company) providing consulting services to major commercial energy consumers such as, 3M Corporation, Hormel Foods, Musco Lighting, The State of Iowa, component suppliers to John Deere, and municipalities in the State of Iowa. Mr. Boyle has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Phoenix and a Master’s degree in Business Leadership from William Penn University.
Matthew Hogan

Matthew Hogan

Senior Vice President of Project

Matthew Hogan is CMB Regional Centers Vice President of Project Development. Mr. Hogan oversees CMB’s team responsible for the identification of new opportunities, initial project underwriting, negotiating and structuring of each of CMB’s EB-5 partnership loans. In his role as Vice President of Project Development, Mr. Hogan is directly involved in the development of all project related documentation needed to support each EB-5 partnership’s USCIS submissions. Mr. Hogan is also instrumental in developing and maintaining both new and ongoing business relationships. Since joining CMB in 2011, Mr. Hogan has been involved in the structuring of over $2.5 Billion in CMB’s EB-5 investment loans spanning over 65 EB-5 partnerships. Mr. Hogan has been featured as a speaker in multiple EB-5 related events including, Invest in the USA (IIUSA), EB-5 Investor Magazine, the Asian Real Estate Association of American Global and Luxury Summit, Global Immigration and Investment Summit, International Real Estate and Investment Expo, and the CDFA National Development Finance Summit and many more.
Neal Lee

Neal Lee

Senior Vice President/Chief Financial

Neal Lee is CMB Regional Centers’ Vice President and Chief Financial Analyst. Mr. Lee leads CMB’s finance team in the due diligence and structuring of CMB’s EB-5 investments. To date, Mr. Lee has overseen in excess of $2.5 billion in CMB EB-5 transactions. Mr. Lee further supervises the activities of CMB’s project compliance team, through the lifecycle of each CMB EB-5 loans. Prior to CMB, Mr. Lee worked as an investment portfolio manager at a global real estate investment / EPC / general contractor firm, based in Seoul, Korea with offices in over 30 countries worldwide. Mr. Lee holds a Master’s degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a B.A. in Economics from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.

Tara Moffit

Tara Moffit

Senior Vice President & General Counsel

Tara Moffit is CMB Regional Centers’ Vice President and General Counsel, directing CMB’s legal team with the composition and structuring of legal documents for the CMB partnerships. Ms. Moffit obtained her Juris Doctorate from the Drake University Law School in 2002, graduating with highest honors. She also holds a Bachelor’s degree in history from Marycrest International University, graduating Summa Cum Laude. Prior to working with CMB, Ms. Moffit was employed with a general practice law firm in Davenport, Iowa, working in several fields, including foreclosure, bankruptcy, real estate, construction law, and personal injury.
Investor Relations

Garrett Connors

Vice President

Dan Ryan

Daniel Ryan

Vice President: Global Market

Kenny Peng

Kenny Peng

Senior Director of Investor Relations: South Pacific/Asia

Vitaly Modlo

Kiel Kamin

Senior Director of Investor Relations

Vitaly Modlo

Vitaly Modlo

Director of Investor Relations:
Russia/Eastern Europe

Doojin Lee

Doojin Lee

Director of Investor Relations:

Emilio Aragon

Evandro Freitas

Senior Investor Relations
Manager: Brazil

Kiel Kamin

Laurel Cao

Senior Investor Relations

Isamar Vega Sanchez

Isamar Vega Sanchez

Senior Investor Relations
Manager: Latin America

Evandro Freitas

Ranjeeta Prakash

Investor Relations Manager:

Laurel Cao

Marilyn Manthe

Investor Relations Manager

Jennifer Trinh

Jennifer Trinh

Investor Relations Manager

Verna Hsu

Sijie “Lucy” Liu

Investor Relations Manager

Alexa Swanson

Alexa Swanson

Investor Relations Manager

Wilson Jiang

Wilson Jiang

Investor Communication
Specialist: China

Ranjeeta Prakash

Nicholas May

Investor Relations Manager

Alexa Swanson

Marcoantonio Peña

Investor Relations Manager

Client Relations
Sarah Callaway

Sarah Callaway

Director of Client Relations

Jenny Kolar

Jenny Kolar

Client Relations Manager

Timothy Edwards

Timothy Edwards

Director of Digital Marketing
and Client Acquisition

Sean Murphy

Sean Murphy

Marketing Manager

Amy Seeman

Amy Seeman

Senior Graphic Designer

Project Team
Kyler James

Kyler James

Chief Economist

Roshan Verma

Roshan Verma

Director of Finance and
Investment Analysis

Youn Woong Park

Youn Woong Park

Asset Manager

Matthew Temple

Matthew Temple

Director of Investment

Kyle Mente

Kyle Mente

Sr. Economist

Jeremy Lenaerts

Jeremy Lenaerts

Financial & Investment Analyst

Chase Wilbanks

Chase Wilbanks

Project Analyst

Brayden Gombert

Brayden Gombert

Project Compliance Analyst

Matthew Coffman

Matthew Coffman

Project Analyst

Legal & Compliance
Andrew McClarity

Andrew McClarity

Vice President, Deputy General Counsel

Joseph Loete

Joseph Loete

Legal Counsel

Shayleen Adamson

Cody Svejda

In-house Counsel

Shayleen Adamson

Shayleen Adamson

Associate Compliance Analyst

Joseph Loete

Amy Goldsberry

Legal Assistant

Nikki Franks

Nikki Franks

Executive Assistant

Abbey Siefker

Abbey Siefker

Aviation Scheduler / Travel

Stacy Shearman

Stacy Shearman

Office Manager/Executive

Yasmine Sebou

Yasmine Sebou

Travel Coordinator

Cindy Tucker

Cindy Tucker

Administrative Assistant

Stacy McNamara

Stacy McNamara


William Reilly

Accounting Compliance Officer

Annette Lawrence

Annette Lawrence

Senior Accountant

Julie Prichard

Julie Prichard

Senior Accountant

Darcy Shetter

Darcy Shetter

Senior Accountant

Dulce Pollock

Dulce Pollock

Sr. Accountant

Human Resources
Verna Hsu

Clayton Talton

Director of Human Resources

Alexa Swanson

Carley Elkins

HR Generalist

Wilson Jiang

Adrian Garcia

HR Generalist

Wilson Jiang

Anthony Frazier

HRIS Specialist

Darcy Shetter

Carilee Fore

Benefits & Compliance Business Partner

Information Technology
Michael Huynh

Jenn Bowe

Vice President: Information Technology

Emily Ade

Emily Ade

Database Developer

Gavin Gassmann

Gavin Gassmann

Web Developer

Henry Lopez

Henry Lopez

IT Support Technician

Michael Huynh

Michael Huynh

IT Support Technician

CMB Swiss Co (CMBRC Affiliate)

CMB Swiss Co is an affiliate of CMB Regional Centers. Through worldwide marketing campaigns, Swiss Co engages in sourcing prospective individuals interested in immigrating to the U.S. through the EB-5 Visa Program. CMB Swiss Co also interacts and enters into agreements with licensed immigrations agencies, immigration advisors, and other individuals to refer potential EB-5 Investors who are seeking to invest in CMB EB-5 opportunities. Learn more about CMB Swiss Co.

Raymond Alvarez

Raymond Alvarez

Senior Vice President of
Operations : Zurich, Switzerland

Lisha Zhang

Lisha Zhang

Referral Relations Manager
(Zurich, Switzerland)

Shelley Xie

Shelley Xie

Vice President

Anvi Chen

Anvi Chen

Executive Director (Taiwan)

Lucy Tran

Lucy Tran

Deputy Resident Director

Girish Mohile

Girish Mohile

Vice President: India

Melody Sun

Melody Sun

Deputy Resident Director: China

Chris Feng

Chris Feng

Business Development Manager

Lucy Tran

Trung Nguyen

Director of Business Development

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