
CMB 区域中心的优势
CMB有着25年的历史,是EB-5行业中历史最悠久的活跃区域中心之一。 我们公司的创始人兼CEO Patrick F. Hogan先生从1994年就投身EB-5项目, 并在1997年成立我们第一家区域中心。

At CMB we focus solely as a regional center operator and a fiduciary to our investors. Over 6,000 investors from over 100 countries have subscribed to CMB EB-5 partnerships to pursue permanent residence in the United States.
从我们的第一个EB-5有限合伙企业组A开始,我们就保持着100%的项目批准率。CMB EB-5投资人已经获得了5000多个I-526申请批准,2000多个I-829申请批准,而且我们已经向投资人返还了超过10亿美元的投资资本。
CMB区域中心的第一家CMB Export于1997年获得授权。当时,EB-5计划刚刚推出,还相对来讲几乎未曾被使用过。CMB的创始人Patrick Hogan)发现位于加利福尼亚州的前军事基地受到BRAC(基地重组和关闭)的影响迫切需要资金投资。
之前加利福尼亚州几个大型军事基地的搬迁或关闭导致数万人失业,Hogan先生试图利用 EB5投资来振兴这些地区。这些社区在努力重振经济时面临着严峻的挑战,包括消除石棉、被污染的水和极差的路况。公司名称CMB是“加州军事基地”的英文首字母缩写,我们因致力于改善这些地区的基础设施而得名。
CMB Export的前10个EB-5项目主要解决了圣贝纳迪诺的诺顿空军基地和萨克拉门托附近的麦克莱伦空军基地的基础设施问题。CMB利用EB-5资金重建道路和桥梁,安装屋顶太阳能系统,实施公共交通系统,并消除阻碍私营部门投资的环境危害。
现在,前麦克莱伦空军基地已经成为麦克莱伦公园, McClellan Park, 是加利福尼亚最大的总体规划社区,里面有办公,仓储、零售空间和生产设备。
前诺顿空军基地现在是圣贝纳迪诺国际机场。这里也是南加州的主要物流和仓储中心。 San Bernardino International Airport. 联邦快递、UPS、百事可乐和Stater Bros.等大公司的物流中心都入驻了前空军基地或其附近地区。


Patrick Hogan
Chief Executive Officer
Patrick F. Hogan is the CEO and Founder of CMB Regional Centers. Mr. Hogan’s considerable experience dating back to 1994 establishes him as one of the most experienced practitioners in the EB-5 industry. In fact, Mr. Hogan has been involved in EB-5 since the creation of the Regional Center Program. Mr. Hogan founded CMB Regional Centers with the creation of CMB Export, LLC in 1997.
Mr. Hogan, a lifelong entrepreneur, opened his first of many businesses in 1978. Currently, Mr. Hogan is the CEO of two companies that are the leaders in their industries: CMB Regional Centers and Rock Island Auction Company. Today, Rock Island Auction Company is the #1 antique and collectable firearms auction house in the world and CMB Regional Centers is the most successful EB-5 Regional Centers in existence. Mr. Hogan is considered a seasoned expert in the EB-5 industry. He sits on the Board of Directors for the Association to Invest In the USA (IIUSA) and has been an active participant in furthering industry best practices as well as program reauthorization and reform.

Noreen Hogan

Pam Ellis
Senior Vice President
Pam Ellis serves as the Senior Vice President of CMB Regional Centers. She joined the organization in 2009 and previously served as the Vice President of Company Operations from 2013 to 2015. Ms. Ellis manages the day-to-day company operations as well as directing multiple department during the comprehensive development of all CMB file submissions to the USCIS on a yearly basis. Ms. Ellis has over thirty years of management and customer service experience that has built the foundation for her to manage this industry leading staff. Ms. Ellis served as the Vice President of Visitor Services for the Quad Cities Convention & Visitors Bureau for twenty years. Today, Ms. Ellis supervises the various services CMB Regional Centers provides to over 6,500 clients, as well as supervising over 50 full-time employees.

Ky Boyle
Senior Vice President: Asia

Matthew Hogan
Senior Vice President of Project

Neal Lee
Senior Vice President/Chief Financial
Neal Lee is CMB Regional Centers’ Vice President and Chief Financial Analyst. Mr. Lee leads CMB’s finance team in the due diligence and structuring of CMB’s EB-5 investments. To date, Mr. Lee has overseen in excess of $2.5 billion in CMB EB-5 transactions. Mr. Lee further supervises the activities of CMB’s project compliance team, through the lifecycle of each CMB EB-5 loans. Prior to CMB, Mr. Lee worked as an investment portfolio manager at a global real estate investment / EPC / general contractor firm, based in Seoul, Korea with offices in over 30 countries worldwide. Mr. Lee holds a Master’s degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a B.A. in Economics from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.

Tara Moffit
Senior Vice President General Counsel
Investor Relations

Garrett Connors
Vice President

Daniel Ryan
Vice President: Global Market

Kenny Peng
Senior Director of Investor Relations: South Pacific/Asia

Kiel Kamin
Senior Director of Investor Relations

Vitaly Modlo
Director of Investor Relations:
Russia/Eastern Europe

Doojin Lee
Director of Investor Relations:

Evandro Freitas
Senior Investor Relations
Manager: Brazil

Laurel Cao
Senior Investor Relations

Isamar Vega Sanchez
Senior Investor Relations
Manager: Latin America

Ranjeeta Prakash
Investor Relations Manager:

Marilyn Manthe
Investor Relations Manager

Jennifer Trinh
Investor Relations Manager

Sijie “Lucy” Liu
Investor Relations Manager

Alexa Swanson
Investor Relations Manager

Wilson Jiang
Investor Communication
Specialist: China

Nicholas May
Investor Relations Manager

Marcoantonio Peña
Investor Relations Manager
Client Relations

Sarah Callaway
Director of Client Relations

Jenny Kolar
Client Relations Manager

Timothy Edwards
Director of Digital Marketing
and Client Acquisition

Sean Murphy
Marketing Manager

Amy Seeman
Senior Graphic Designer
Project Team

Kyler James
Chief Economist

Roshan Verma
Director of Finance and
Investment Analysis

Youn Woong Park
Asset Manager

Matthew Temple
Director of Investment

Kyle Mente
Sr. Economist

Jeremy Lenaerts
Financial Investment Analyst

Chase Wilbanks
Project Analyst

Brayden Gombert
Project Compliance Analyst

Matthew Coffman
Project Analyst
Legal Compliance

Andrew McClarity
Vice President, Deputy General Counsel

Joseph Loete
Legal Counsel

Cody Svejda
In-house Counsel

Shayleen Adamson
Associate Compliance Analyst

Amy Goldsberry
Legal Assistant

Nikki Franks
Executive Assistant

Abbey Siefker
Aviation Scheduler / Travel

Stacy Shearman
Office Manager/Executive

Yasmine Sebou
Travel Coordinator

Cindy Tucker
Administrative Assistant

Stacy McNamara

William Reilly
Accounting Compliance Officer

Annette Lawrence
Senior Accountant

Julie Prichard
Senior Accountant

Darcy Shetter
Senior Accountant

Dulce Pollock
Sr. Accountant
Human Resources

Clayton Talton
Director of Human Resources

Carley Elkins
HR Generalist

Adrian Garcia
HR Generalist

Anthony Frazier
HRIS Specialist

Carilee Fore
Benefits & Compliance Business Partner
Information Technology

Jenn Bowe
Vice President: Information Technology

Emily Ade
Database Developer

Gavin Gassmann
Web Developer

Henry Lopez
IT Support Technician

Michael Huynh
IT Support Technician
CMB Swiss Co (CMBRC Affiliate)
CMB Swiss Co is an affiliate of CMB Regional Centers. Through worldwide marketing campaigns, Swiss Co engages in sourcing prospective individuals interested in immigrating to the U.S. through the EB-5 Visa Program. CMB Swiss Co also interacts and enters into agreements with licensed immigrations agencies, immigration advisors, and other individuals to refer potential EB-5 Investors who are seeking to invest in CMB EB-5 opportunities. Learn more about CMB Swiss Co.

Raymond Alvarez
Senior Vice President of
Operations : Zurich, Switzerland

Lisha Zhang
Referral Relations Manager
(Zurich, Switzerland)

Shelley Xie
Vice President

Anvi Chen
Executive Director (Taiwan)

Lucy Tran
Deputy Resident Director

Girish Mohile
Vice President: India

Melody Sun
Deputy Resident Director: China

Chris Feng
Business Development Manager

Trung Nguyen
Director of Business Development